October 21, 2013

Preaching Schedule

So I am preaching a good amount until the end of the year. And here is the schedule

October 27, 2013 at Zutphen CRC in their 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM services

November 7, 2013 at Calvin Theological Seminary at 2:30 PM (class)

November 17, 2013 at 2nd CRC in Kalamazoo (MI) at their 6:00 PM service

December 15, 2013 at Saugatuck CRC (MI) in their morning service (10:00 AM I think)

December 29, 2013 at Heritage CRC (home church) 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM

Just thought I'd let you all know :)

October 16, 2013


Sorry it has been a while to post, but the end of my internship in California and the beginning of ministry and the school year has been pretty intense and busy! So here I am.

And I've got an announcement to make.....

It is this......


I am currently a prospective candidate for Minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church!

I began this process a few weeks ago and it has been humbling to say the least. There is lots of paper work, lots of excitement and lots of nervousness for sure.

This means that my time as the Youth Director at Heritage CRC will be coming to a close next May or June when the ministry season ends.

After all the paperwork, after the oral tests and sermons are done and graduation comes around; and if I get approved by Synod 2014 in Iowa; then I will officially be a candidate for Minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church.

There are a lot of steps to go until then; however, I trust the Lord's guidance and providence throughout this process and I am giving it all to Him!

It will be a 7 year journey of schooling after high school of which I have learned a lot and gained a great amount of experience and knowledge.

I will certainly miss the students and ministry at Heritage CRC for sure; it surely has been a blessing serving at my home church where I have grown up all my life. This experience was one that wouldn't have wanted to trade for anything. However, I believe the Lord is leading me and calling me to Pastoral Ministry of the Word in the CRC.

I am excited to share this news with you!

Praise be to God!