November 19, 2013

A New Series: The Confessions of the Christian Reformed Church [HC & BC & COD]

One of the perks of ministering to youth is teaching them the Christian Reformed Church's confessions.

The Christian Reformed Church has 3 confessions:
1. Heidelberg Catechism (the most well known)
2. Belgic Confession (the "bloody document")
3. Canons of Dort (FYI--NOT real canons, but pretty close; just as Jacob Arminius)
However, not many think of this as a perk. But I absolutely love teaching the confessions. I teach 11th grade students; and before they have me as their teacher, they are taught for 2 years the Heidelberg Catechism. Then I teach them the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dort.

I never really got into the confessions when I was in high school, but I absolutely love them now and realized that I certainly missed out!! Therefore it is my ministry to pray for these students to fall in love with these documents and to teach them how these old and seemingly "outdated" documents relate to our lives in the 21st century (pretty much

Therefore, in this blog, I thought I'd reflect on these confessions--starting with the Belgic Confession and then I don't know. I guess we will just have to see how it goes.......not sure how it is going to go, but it will go.

First, I will start out with the necessity/benefit/advantage/etc. of having confessions; then I will give some historical information on the Belgic Confession and then I'll start with Article 1 working all the way through each article until I end. (I am unsure if I will incorporate the Heidelberg Catechism and/or the Canons of Dort in this time around; maybe I will go through each one of those separately as well...who knows?!)

Fasten your seat belts folks (no idea who even reads this); it is about to be a crazy, yet enjoyable ride!


P.S. I am unsure of how many times I will be able to update them; I've got a busy few months ahead here with Thanksgiving, Youth Group Stuff, Christmas celebrations, candidacy, preaching, exams, papers, etc. etc. etc. I'll do my best though, to post regularly.


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