November 21, 2014

Belgic Confession Article 12: "The Creation of All Things"

After discussing God (Theology Proper) in Articles 1-11; Guido now shifts now to the biblical study of humanity also known as Biblical Anthropology.

This is how Article 12 "The Creation of All Things" reads:

We believe that the Father created heaven and earth and all other creatures from nothing, when it seemed good to Him, by His Word--that is to say, by His Son.

He has given all creatures their being, form, and appearance, and their various functions for serving their Creator.

Even now He also sustains and governs them all, according to His eternal providence, and by His infinite power, that they may serve man, in order that man may serve God.

He also created the angels good, that they might be His messengers and serve His elect. 

Some of them have fallen from the excellence in which God created them into eternal perdition; and the others have persisted and remained in their original state, by the grace of God.

The devils and evil spirits are so corrupt that they are enemies of God and of everything good. They lie in way for the church and every member of it like thieves, with all their power, to destroy and spoil everything by their deceptions.

So then, by their own wickedness they are condemned to everlasting damnation, daily awaiting their torments.

For that reason we detest the error of the Sadducees, who deny that there are spirits and angels, and also the error of the Manicheans, who say that the devils originated by themselves, being evil by nature, without having been corrupted.

Now this article is full of great stuff. It is a long one, but is neatly divided into six sections:

First Section: The Purpose of Creation
The first section consists of the first three paragraphs in which Guido is emphasizing the purpose of creation. The purpose of creation is stated three times in these paragraphs with the key word being "service" (and then again in the fourth paragraph).

The first paragraph acknowledges whom the Creator is, how He created it and when He created it. God is named as the the creator just as Genesis 1:1 records also. And God created "the heavens and earth and all other creatures from nothing" declares Guido. Everything that has been created or will ever be created has been created and will be created by God out of nothing! And the time that God did this was "when it seemed good to Him..." Guido declares. The time to create the heavens and the earth was the time when it seemed good for God to do so. There wasn't any other time that God would've wanted to create things--He did it on His own time and because it seemed good to Him. And finally, God created everything by His Word--namely Jesus Christ. God spoke and there was the creation. What magnificent power!

The second paragraph explains what God gave to creation and why He gave them these things. God gave creation "their being, form, and appearance, and their various functions." Everything that we have in creation, just think how vast that is, was given to us by God Himself! And the reason for God giving these things to us was "for serving their Creator." God gave us all these things--our being, form, appearance and our various functions--for the purpose of serving Himself! Not only must humans serve God, but all aspects of creation serve the Creator God! In a sermon on Colossians 1:15-23 it is clearly explain as well the purpose of creation. Everything that exists, exists to make the glory of God and the greatness of Christ more fully known. This is our (humanities) way and creations way of serving God--to make Him known!

And the third paragraph continues this thought as well toward the end, but also gives us great comfort and insight into what God is doing now. God also "sustains and governs them all according to His eternal providence and His infinite power..." God continues to be active, not passive, in the creation which He has made! What a comfort to know that everything God made, He now rules, upholds, is involved in and controls it! And the purpose of this is again, "that they may serve man, in order that man may serve God." So God serves humanity by sustaining and governing the creation through His eternal providence and His infinite power in order that humanity might serve God back! How wonderful and magnificent this truly is!

Second Section: Angels
The fourth paragraph  states also that God "created the angels good that they might be His messengers and serve His elect." God has chosen to create angels as well being 'good'. His purpose of creating angels was to first have them be "His messengers" and secondly, for them to "serve His elect." Again, the created order--even angels--were created for service!

Third Section: Fallen Angels
In the third section consisting of the fifth paragraph; Guido continues the thought of the angels. Except now he speaks of the fallen angels. He explains that some of the angels have fallen while others have stayed in the original state. The ones who fell which is recorded in Jude 6Ezekiel 28, and 2 Peter 2:4; fell from "the excellence in which God created them into eternal perdition." They left their state of of excellence due to their proud heart and arrogance to be like God. Therefore, they now rest in hell being tormented daily. But there are some angels who didn't fall--and they "persisted and remained in their original state, by the grace of God." God's grace has kept them persistent and they now remain with God in their state of excellence. It is interesting to note that the angels who fell, fell because they did not serve God--they wanted to be like God; therefore they were serving themselves. And serving themselves was not God's purpose in creating them; therefore they opposed God's purpose!

Fourth Section: Opposing Service
The fourth section, in the sixth paragraph, also re-emphasizes the angels--devils and evil spirits--who now don't serve God; rather they serve themselves.  "They are enemies of God and of everything good" implying that they are no longer 'good' as God created them--they strongly oppose the way of God. Guido continues to say that "they lie in wait for the church and every member of it like thieves with all their power, to destroy and spoil everything by their deceptions." Now this is not comforting. The devil waits for the members of the church to destroy them and to spoil everything by their own power. However, this power they have is not an infinite power as we heard earlier from Guido in the third paragraph. God's power is an infinite power in which God sustains and governs all of creation--the devil's power is no match for the infinite power of God!

Fifth Section: The Result Of Opposing God's Purpose of Creation
The result of opposing God's purpose of creation, which again is service, is named by Guido in the fifth section which is in the seventh paragraph. The result is "they are condemned to everlasting damnation, daily awaiting their torments." And this is done "by their own wickedness" and not by another means--it is something completely done by their own wickedness--by themselves they have ushered their way into hell. And in hell, they "daily await their torments." Such a dreadful picture of a place that you don't want to go!

Sixth Section: Two Extreme Errors
In the last paragraph Guido names two errors--one by the Sadducees and the other by the Manicheans. It is important to note that Guido mentions these two in order to keep the church pure because the Belgic Confession is about what the church believes; therefore at some points they must write about what they do not believe. There are two extreme errors to make in regards to evil spirits, the devil and angels. The Sadducees were on one extreme side of the argument denying wholeheartedly that "there are spirits and angels". On the opposite extreme side were the Manicheans "who say that the devils originated by themselves, being evil by nature, without having been corrupted." So these two extremes are something to avoid; saying that there are no evil spirits and then saying that they originated by themselves are both completely wrong to say. Therefore Guido warns against these two errors.

The first half of Article 12, Guido is naming the purpose of creation is for service unto God. And those who oppose this purpose--namely the devil and evil spirits--are not following God's ways of operating in the world. Therefore, they have been punished and ultimately they have brought this condemnation upon themselves.

What is your purpose for living? 

Is it to serve the One who created you?

Is it to make the glory of Christ more fully known?

Or is it to serve yourself and glorify your own name?

November 20, 2014

Belgic Confession Article 11: "The Deity of the Holy Spirit"

Guido moves from discussing "The Deity of Christ" in Article 10 in order to clarify the Trinity. And now he continues to clarify the Trinity by having an article on "The Deity of the Holy Spirit" which reads this way:

We believe and confess also that the Holy Spirit proceeds eternally 
from the Father and the Son--
neither made,
nor created, 
nor begotten,
but only proceeding from the two of them.

In regard to order, He is the third person of the Trinity--
of one and the same essence,
and majesty,
and glory,
with the Father and the Son.

He is true and eternal God, as the Holy Scriptures teach us.

This article is pretty straight forward as far as explanation goes. But what I do like about the Belgic Confession in this sense is that it actually pays attention to the Holy Spirit. Not many documents from the early church and even later church history mention much about the Holy Spirit. I have my thoughts on why this is so, however, I do believe that the Holy Spirit is often the "forgotten God" out of the three persons in the godhead of the Trinity. There is much emphasis giving to the Father and the Son, but not much to the Holy Spirit.

This is not just true in the past, but even in the present. The Holy Spirit seems to be missing. And to me, this is sad.

Think a minute:

When is the last time you heard a sermon in regards to the Holy Spirit?

When is the last time you heard a sermon mention the Holy Spirit?

When is the last time you heard a prayer mention the Holy Spirit?

When is the last time the Holy Spirit has been mentioned in a worship service?

The answers are humbling.

The Holy Spirit is not a lesser being than God the Father and God the Son.

The Holy Spirit is not of a different essence than God the Father and God the Son.

The Holy Spirit is true and eternal God, just as the Bible teaches us.

Even the Heidelberg Catechism mentions the Holy Spirit in Lord's Day 20 Question and Answer 53

Q. What do you believe concerning "the Holy Spirit"?

A. First, he, as well as the Father and Son, is eternal God. Second, He has been given to me personally, so that, by true faith, He makes me share in Christ and all His blessings, comforts me, and remains with me forever.

The second part of the Answer is phenomenal.

The Holy Spirit has been given to me personally.

Through our true faith, the Holy Spirit makes me share in Christ and all His blessings

The Holy Spirit comforts me.

The Holy Spirit remains with me forever.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

What a marvelous gift, what a amazing gift!

Do you have the comfort of the Holy Spirit?

Do you have this presence of God in your life?

November 12, 2014

Belgic Confession Article 10: "The Deity of Christ"

After discussing the Trinity in Article 8 and Article 9 Guido now gets specific about the Trinity focusing upon "The Deity of Christ" in Article 10 and "The Deity of the Holy Spirit" in Article 11. He does this in hopes of clarifying the Trinity. Article 10 goes like this:

We believe that Jesus Christ, 
according to His divine nature, 
is the only Son of God--eternally begotten, 
not made nor created, 
for then He would be a creature.

He is one in essence with the Father; 
the exact image of the person of the Father
and the "reflection of His glory," [Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3] 
being in all things like Him.

He is the Son of God not only from the time He assumed our nature but from all eternity,
as the following testimonies teach us when they are taken together.

Moses says that God "created the world"[Genesis 1:1]
and John says that "all things were created by the Word," [John 1:3] which he calls God.
The apostle says that "God made the world by His Son." [Hebrews 1:2]
He also says that "God created all things by Jesus Christ." [Colossians 1:16]

And so it must follow that He who is called God, the Word, the Son and Jesus Christ already existed when all things were created by Him. Therefore the prophet Micah says that His origin is "from ancient times, from eternity" [Micah 5:2]
And the apostle says that He has "neither beginning of days nor end of life." [Hebrews 7:3]

So then, 
He is the true eternal God,
the Almighty,
whom we invoke,
and serve.

Guido de Bres now turns his attention to the Son of God, namely Jesus Christ to expound upon "The Deity of Christ" in order to further clarify the Trinity.

The first paragraph is explaining that according to Christ's divine--this makes Him the only Son of God who was not made nor created. Because if Christ was made or created, then He would be just like a creature (i.e. human beings or anything in the created order). Jesus has existed from eternity since He is God Himself.

Guido continues to say that He is the same nature as the Father and co-eternal. He has existed from eternity since He is God Himself (repeated on purpose). He is the exact image of the person of the Father just as Colossians 1:15 states,

"He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation."

Again Guido mentions, He is the Son of God not only from the time He assumed our nature, but from all eternity. Jesus always existed from eternity since He is God Himself (yes, purposefully repeated, again). 

But now Guido states some Bible verses in the fourth paragraph proving that Jesus Christ has existed from the beginning of the world at creation. They are as follows:

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

John 1:3
"Through Him [the Word who is Jesus] all things were made;
 without Him nothing was made 
that has been made."

Hebrews 1:2
"...but in these last days He [God] has spoken to us by His Son, 
whom He appointed heir of all things 
and through whom 
He made the universe."

Colossians 1:16
"For by Him [Jesus] all things were created: 
things in heaven and on earth, 
visible and invisible, 
whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; 
all things were created by Him 
and for Him."

This connection of verses, proves that Jesus Christ has been in the beginning since the beginning and even before that--from all eternity--that Jesus Christ existed already when all things were created by Him. 

And then Guido ends with three points of application;

He is the true eternal God, the Almighty, whom we invoke
Invoke carries with it a sense of calling on or for something/some person with earnest desire. There is a longing, a constant calling upon for you know that when you call upon this thing/person, there will be an answer.

He is the true eternal God, the Almighty, whom we...worship
The One, true and holy God is the one whom we worship and the only God whom we worship for He is the one that all of our religious allegiance goes to and will forever go to. He is the only God who deserves all that we have wholeheartedly giving Him all our allegiance.

He is the true eternal God, the Almighty, whom we...serve
God, the one we serve each and every day. We serve not because we have to, but because we do it out of the thankfulness or gratitude which arises out of our hearts for what God has done for us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. He gave His life for yours, do you believe it? 

August 13, 2014

Belgic Confession Article 9: "The Scriptural Witness on the Trinity"

Guido focused on defining the Trinity in Article 8 and now he provides a great article on the biblical basis for the Trinity.

I love this article. It is lengthy, but awesome. It reads like this:

All these things we know from the testimonies of the Holy Scripture as well as from the effects of the persons, especially from those we feel within ourselves.

The testimonies of the Holy Scriptures, which teach us to believe in this Holy Trinity, are written in many places of the Old Testament, which need not be enumerated but only chosen with discretion.

In the book of Genesis God says, 

"Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness."

So "God created man in His own image"--indeed, 

"male and female He created them." (Genesis 1:26-27)

"Behold, man has become like one of us." (Genesis 3:22)

It appears from this that there is a plurality of persons within the Diety, when he says, "Let us make man in our image"--and afterwards He indicates the unity when he says, "God created."

It is true that he does not say here how many persons there are--but what is somewhat obscure to us in the Old Testament is very clear in the New.

For when our Lord was baptized in the Jordan, the voice of the Father was heard saying, 

"This is my dear son" (Matthew 3:17); 

the Son was seen in the water; and the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove.

So, in the baptism of all believers this form was prescribed by Christ: 

"Baptize all people in the name of the Father, 
and of the Son, 
and of the Holy Spirit." 
(Matthew 28:19)

In the Gospel of Luke the angel Gabriel says to Mary, the mother of our Lord: 

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, 
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; 
and therefore that holy one to be born of you shall be called the Son of God." 
(Luke 1:35)

And in another place it says, 

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
the love of God, 
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you." 
(2 Corinthians 13:14)

"There are three who bear witness in heaven--
the Father, 
the Word 
and the Holy Spirit
--and these three are one." 
(1 John 5:7)

In all passages we are fully taught that there are three persons in the one and only divine essence. And although this doctrine surpasses human understanding, we nevertheless believe it now, through the Word, waiting to know and enjoy it fully in heaven.

Furthermore, we must note the particular works and activities of these three persons in relation to us. 

The Father is called our Creator, by reason of His power.
The Son is our Savior and Redeemer, by His blood.
The Holy Spirit is our Sanctifier, by His living in our hearts.

This doctrine of the Holy Trinity has always been maintained in the true church, from the time of the apostles until the present, against Jews, Muslims, and certain false Christians and heretics, such as Marcion, Mani, Praxeas, Sabellius, Paul of Samosata, Arius, and others like them, who were rightly condemned by the holy fathers.

And so, in this matter we willingly accept the three ecumenical creeds--the Apostles', Nicene and Athanasian--as well as the ancient fathers decided in agreement with them.

In all honesty, I don't think I really need to write much more than already what was said by Guido. I could echo it or re-word it, but I don't think that would do it justice. Therefore, I am going to simply let it be.

August 5, 2014

Carry Your Candle

There is a song by Kathy Triccoli called "Carry Your Candle--Go Light Your World"

Click here for the song.

Here are the lyrics:

There is a candle, in every soul. Some brightly burning, some dark and cold.
There is a Spirit who brings a fire, ignites a candle and makes His home.

Carry your candle, 
run to the darkness, 
seek out the lonely, 
the tired and worn. 

Hold out your candle, 
for all to see it.
Take your candle, and go light your world.
Take your candle, and go light your world.

Frustrated brother, see how he's tried to light his own candle some other way. 
See now your sister, she's been robbed and lied to; still holds a candle without a flame.

Carry your candle, 
run to the darkness, 
seek out the lonely, 
the tired and worn. 
Hold out your candle, 
for all to see it.
Take your candle, and go light your world.
Take your candle, and go light your world.

We are a family whose hearts are blazing. So let's raise our candles and light up the sky.
Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus; make us a beacon in darkest times.

Carry your candle, 
run to the darkness, 
seek out the lonely, 
the tired and worn. 

Hold out your candle, 
for all to see it.
Take your candle, and go light your world.
Take your candle, and go light your world.

Carry your candle, 
run to the darkness, 
seek out the lonely, 
the tired and worn. 
Hold out your candle, 
for all to see it.
Take your candle, and go light your world.
Take your candle, and go light your world.

Belgic Confession Article 8: "The Trinity"

Guido now turns to a section where he has four Articles (8-11) on the Trinity. However, even though we can easily lump them together, I feel it is necessary not only because of a great length that would be, but also to intricately look at each Article for details and important concepts.

Article 8 reads like this:

In keeping with this truth and Word of God we believe in one God, who is one single essence, in whom there are three persons, really, truly and eternally distinct according to their incommunicable properties--namely, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Father 
is the cause,
origin and 
source of all things, 
visible as well as invisible.

The Son
is the Word,
the Wisdom,
and the image of the Father.

The Holy Spirit is the eternal power 
and might,
proceeding from the Father and the Son.

Nevertheless, this distinction does not divide God into three, since Scripture teaches us that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit each has His own subsistence distinguished by characteristics--yet in such a way that these three persons are only one God.

It is evident then
that the Father is not the Son
and that the Son is not the Father,
and that likewise the Holy Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son.

these persons,
thus distinct,
are neither divided nor fused or mixed together.

For the Father did not take on flesh, nor did the Spirit, but only the Son.

The Father was never without His Son, nor without His Holy Spirit, since all these are equal from eternity, in one and the same essence.

There is neither a first nor a last, for all three are one
in truth and power,
in goodness and mercy.

The Word "Trinity" never shows up in the Bible. It is a technical term in theology referring to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as a unified Godhead.

Here is a simple statement of the doctrine given to my by Dr. Douglas A. Felch through my Christian Doctrine I class in the Fall of 2008 at Kuyper College.
There is one God, who nevertheless exists in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit , all of which share the same divine nature and are equal in power, glory and Godhead. 
Or we can take what Guido said in the first paragraph and simplify this a bit:

"...we believe in on God who is one single essence, in whom there are three persons..."
However, before we dig too much into this definition and article, we should realize the long strand of history that has gone before us in examining closely this doctrine.

In the 2nd Century AD the Christian faith was challenged by Gnosticism. They thought that Jesus was never human, therefore they denied the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

In the same time period as Gnosticism was challenging Christianity, there arose another group who challenged Christianity called the Ebionites. The Ebionites were a Jewish Christian Sect who believed and taught that Jesus was only human and not divine.

These two teachings obviously opposed each other; therefore this created a launching point to many similar discussions and debates often relating to the same topics.

The Apologists were known as the first ones who had to give a defense of their faith therefore this was their task: to defend the Christian faith to others objections. They are often looked down upon, but I can't even imagine being in their place in history--as the first "theologians of the church--attempting to defend their faith at such a young and lack of mature faith due to how fresh it was. Their weakness was that they often appealed to the culture; therefore they would mix Christianity with the Roman idolatry which caused great confusion among many. They earnestly wanted to defend the doctrine of the Trinity, but in doing this they were not always successful on how to defend this doctrine or articulate it very clearly. This is roughly what they believed
Before the creation of the world, God was alone except for Reason or Logos within Hi. To create the world He needed an agent to create it. Therefore He begot another divine being, the Son or the "Logos". The Son is therefore a created being.
They soon were proven that they got it wrong.

In the 3rd century a teacher in Rome named Sabellius began teaching what is known as "Modalistic Monarchianism". He taught and believed this:
He argued that there was one God, but they had three roles or three masks. The three persons merely were modes of divine action or manifestation, which God successively assumes, revealing Himself as Father in creation and in the giving of the law, as Son in the incarnation, and as Holy Spirit in regeneration and sanctification. Thus the three persons were reduced to one. If God were to manifest Himself as the Spirit, He could not at the same time manifest Himself as Jesus.
Therefore, the problem with this view is that God cannot reveal Himself at the same time. The manifestation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit cannot be as present at one time which the Bible teaches otherwise as the Trinity is proven to have showed up in various places. One of these places is at Jesus' baptism found in Matthew 3:13-17. If we were to believe this, it would be like saying this. The Trinity is like me; my dad is a truck driver, a husband and a son all at the same time. You see, this is incorrect thinking because my dad is a husband and a son while being a truck driver, but he isn't a truck driver when he is being a husband and/or son. The "hats" that we were throughout our life is not equivalent to what Guido is describing here, nor is it what we believe.

Also in the 3rd century was the heresy of Adoptionism or "Dynamic Monarchianism". This view held this:
Jesus was born not as the Son of God only the Son of Man. Jesus was only a human until either His baptism, His resurrection, or His ascension (there are debates of the actually time between those who believe this) when God 'adopted' Him. Therefore, when this happened, He then became the Son of God and the Son of Man.
However can also be proven false because they don't take into account the pre-existent Jesus. The Bible speaks of Jesus existing (not in human form) before creation with God. He was at creation (Colossians 1:15-20). And a whole host of other verses which speak to Jesus' pre-existence can be noted as well. I will hopefully dig into this a bit deeper in the next article. [LINK]

These are the early centuries which not many people have known about. However, as we move through the 4th and beyond, there were many more councils and gatherings in discussion of the Trinity. The church has wrestled with objections time and time again due to this doctrine.

This doctrine has caused 
great pain, 
great divisions and 
great strength to the church.

Therefore, to be on this side of history after much wrestling has gone into this doctrine; I consider it a privilege to believe what I have today and I am thankful for the work that men in the past have done time and time again to preserve this doctrine and the faith which I believe.

Okay, back to Article 8 now.

The three members of the Trinity are as follows: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

They are all equal, unified and distinct at the same time. There are three persons, yet one essence between them.

Guido divides them into separate persons and names some attributes they each have. This is because there are attributes that the Father has that the Son does not have. These attributes are on a personal level though, not in essence. For if they all had the same attributes then they would be the same in essence and in person.

However, just as Guido points out. "..this distinction does not divide God into three...each has His own subsistence...that these three persons are only one God." 

They are all the same in equality from eternity, equal in power, strength and might and equal in affecting our salvation. For if you take one member of the Trinity away, then we cannot be saved.

This is going to wrap up this portion. My apologies if you are super confused. Guido lays it out very neat and nicely and I may have discombobulated you even more. I hope that isn't the case. However, if it is, head to the top of this blog post and read the article again, I believe that will be most helpful.

My hope and prayer is that it will become clearer as the next few posts will be in regards to the Trinity also.


April 26, 2014

Tough Words

Jesus says some tough things in the Bible. Sometimes they are tough because they are hard to understand what He means or they are hard to follow and be obedient too or  they simply pierce our hearts and convict us.

Nevertheless, one saying that He says is found in Matthew 10:32-33

"So everyone who acknowledges me before men, 
I also will acknowledge before my Father who is heaven, 
but whoever denies me before me, 
I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."

The structure of this seems simple:

If we acknowledge Jesus before others, then He will acknowledge us to the Father.

But if we don't acknowledge Jesus before others, then He will not acknowledge us to the Father.


It bring some questions to my mind when I read these things, particularly the question:

If we believe in Jesus, but someone is trashing Him in front of us, are we obligated to say something?

I want to think, "No! Of course not!"

But part of me says, "Yes, of course you are!"

What makes it so hard to acknowledge Christ?

I guess the real question that hits me is this:

If we believe in Jesus, why wouldn't we want to say something? What do we have to fear?

Pain? Rejection?

If we read the prior verses to vs 32 and 33 we find this in Matthew 10:28-31

"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. 
Rather ear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? 
And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 
But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 
Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."

We shouldn't fear being rejected or hurt or whatever by acknowledging Jesus. When we stand up for Jesus, acknowledging His name; someone hears the Gospel. Someone hears the glorious truth that salvation is possible. 

Therefore, we acknowledge Jesus because souls are at stake here. 
Souls are on the line.

Will you acknowledge Jesus?

April 25, 2014

A Response To Jesus Christ's Resurrection

So Easter (the celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead) has come and gone like a leaf blowing in the wind down the road.

But what is our response?

How should we feel?

What should we do?

What can we do?

How should we respond to this event?

I would argue that the Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) show the proper response to Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead.....

Take a look for yourself.

Matthew 28:8-9
"So they departed quick;y from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell His disciples. And behold, Jesus met them and said, "Greetings!" And they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him."

Mark 16:8
"And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them..."

Luke 24:12
"But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened."

John 20:8
"Then the other disciple (John himself), who had reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed..."

John 20:28
"Thomas answered Him,"My Lord and my God!"

Therefore, the Gospel-writers display to us a very emotional response to the resurrection of Jesus. Through all these responses, one word sticks out above all the others. And that word is the proper response to the resurrection. 

The proper response to the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ is not some warm-fuzzy-feeling we get inside.

The proper response to the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ is


April 24, 2014

Belgic Confession Article 7: "The Sufficiency of Scripture"

After distinguishing the Canonical and Apocryphal books in Article 6 Guido de Bres now moves to an article in which he names "The Sufficiency of Scripture" which reads like this:

We believe that this Holy Scripture contains the will of God completely and that everything one must believe to be saved is sufficiently taught in it.

For since the entire manner of service which God requires of us is described in it at great length, no on--even an apostle or an angel from heaven, as Paul says (Galatians 1:8)--out to teach other than what the Holy Scriptures have already taught us.

For since it is forbidden to 
add to or subtract from the Word of God (Deuteronomy 12:32Revelation 22:18-19), this plainly demonstrates that the teaching is perfect and complete in all respects.

Therefore we must not consider human writings--no matter how holy their authors may have been--equal to the divine writings;
nor may we put custom, 
nor the majority,
nor age,
nor the passage of time or persons,
nor councils, decrees, or official decisions 
above the truth of God, for truth is above everything else. 

For all human beings are liars by nature and more vain than vanity themselves.

Therefore we reject with all our hearts everything that does not agree with this infallible rule, as we are taught to do by the apostles when they say, 

"Test the spirits to see if they are of God," 

and also,

"If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house" 

Here are the Scriptures which are referenced, but not written out fully in this article:

Galatians 1:8
"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a Gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed."

Deuteronomy 12:32
"Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it."

Revelation 22:18-19
"I warn everyone who hears the words of prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, [19] and if anyone takes away the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book."

The main question that comes out of this article is this:

Does Scripture contain all things sufficient for the knowledge of salvation?

The answer for this a resounding YES!

The word sufficient can be defined as this (and hopefully more clear throughout the rest of this post): "adequate for a purpose." 

Therefore, to say that Scripture is sufficient; it must be asked, "What is Scriptures adequate purpose?" Well the purpose of Scripture is to reveal God's plan of salvation for us. 

And Scripture does just that.

Scripture clearly reveals the following:
  • The creation created good.
  • The fall of all humanity into sin.
  • God choosing a people group, a nation to serve His purposes in the world
  • Jesus Christ, the God-man, entering the world He created to be like His brothers (and sisters) in every way.
  • Jesus Christ dying a death to save those who believe in Him as Lord and Savior.
  • He stayed in the grave for three days and then was raised from the dead to life again.
  • He then ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God.
  • Before Jesus ascended, He promised the Holy Spirit, as a comforter to live in and among us (those who believe in Him as Lord and Savior)
  • God's chosen people was expanded from one chosen nation to the possibility of people of all nations on the entire globe being saved from sin and death.
  • And God has promised that Jesus Christ will come back to this earth to completely conquer sin and death so that we who believe in Him as Lord and Savior can live and reign with Him forever.
  • God also promises to usher in a New Heaven and New Earth to live with Him forever.
  • Those who do not believe will be condemned and sent to hell because of their sin not being forgiven.

This is the Gospel, the good news: 
Our gracious God has selectively saved soiled sinners from eternal destruction and damnation to rule and reign with Him fully forever.

And this is what the sufficiency of Scripture means for you and for me.

The first paragraph deals with this answering any objection to it. The first paragraph anyways, is very anti-Catholic. Catholics believe that Scripture and tradition prove to sufficient for the knowledge of salvation. However, Guido combats this by clearing stating that "the Holy Scriptures [which he mentions in Article 4 and Article 6 ] contains the will of God completely....everyone one must believe to be saved is sufficiently taught in it." 

And then Guido makes two sub-points which prove the initial statement above. His first sub-point is in paragraph two where he says that no one should teach other than what the Bible teaches. Just as Paul says in Galatians 1:8 that if anyone teaches another Gospel not found in Scripture (although there really is truly only one Gospel...) "..let him be accursed." The word here for "accursed" in the Greek is "anathema" meaning some sort of divine punishment will be on him or her who teaches a false Gospel. 

In the third paragraph, Guido states his second sub-point saying that we (NO PERSON) should not add or subtract to the Word of God. The Word of God is "...perfect and complete in all respects." And the verses from Deuteronomy and Revelation clearly explain the repercussions if a person decides to add or subtract from this book--the Word of God. Once again, here are the verses:

Deuteronomy 12:32
"Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it."

Revelation 22:18-19
"I warn everyone who hears the words of prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, [19] and if anyone takes away the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book."

Deuteronomy 12:32 clearly explains that we should do all that God commanded. Nothing should be added nor taken away from what God (this is the key component) has commanded.

Revelation 22:18-19 clearly shows the warning if a person adds or subtracts. First, God will add to that person the plagues which are described in this book. I cannot begin to name all of the plagues or things that will happen to the person who chooses to do so, but I think Galatians 1:8 (explained above) proves to be noteworthy and sufficient for now. Secondly, God will take away this person share of eternal life. In other words, Galatians 1:8 proves to be sufficient again, "...let him be accursed."

When Guido states that the Word of God is "...perfect and complete in all respects." The doctrine that Scripture is infallible comes to my mind. This means literally, "immunity from error." The Bible is incapable of being in error. There is nothing in the Bible that holds an error; it is "perfect and complete in all respects."

Guido moves on to explain this further in the fourth paragraph summarizing it stating that no matter what books, articles, etc. were written by whatever person; these writings are not "...equal to divine writings...above the truth of God for truth is above everything else." And then the next line is awesome, in as far as it proves the point of the fourth paragraph. It states this,
"For all human beings are liars by nature and more vain than vanity itself." 

Tough words to hear, but true words. 
Harsh words indeed, but ever so true.

Therefore, Guido ends this article by stating that we reject anything that does not agree with Scripture. This article piggybacks on Article 6 for good reason and it has huge implications for Christians.

First, for the pastors and teachers of Scripture. We should not consider other books about Christianity to be equal to or higher in authority than God's Word. As John says in 2 John 10 we should not even receive him or her into our house!

Second, for the Christian sitting in the pew. 1 John 4:1 has huge implications for you, "Test the spirits to see if they are of God." Be like the Bereans in Acts 17:10-15. They examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul was saying was true. Imagine that, the Apostle Paul comes to your church and you still examine the Scriptures to see if what he was saying was true....if the Bereans did this of Paul, how great and often should you and I do this when we hear the Word of God each week from the pulpit. Not only that, but also examining Scripture to see if what we read in a book or wherever we heard or read it is true. Check the Scriptures time and time again. 

"Test the spirits to see if they are from God."
1 John 4:1

For when we do this, we will know if we are being taught a false Gospel or the true Gospel. 

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a Gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed."
Galatians 1:8

April 16, 2014

Belgic Confession Article 6: "The Difference Between Canonical and Apocryphal Books"

Guido now moves his readers from stating what the Biblical Canon is (Article 4) to the authority of this Canon (Article 5) and he takes time to distinguish between the canonical books and the apocryphal books.

We distinguish between these holy books and the apocryphal books which are
the third and fourth books of Esdras;
the books of Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Jesus Sirach, Baruch;
what was added to the Story of Esther;
the Song of the Three Children in the Furnace;
the Story of Susanna;
the Story of Bel and the Dragon;
the Prayer of Manasseh;
and the two books of Maccabees.

The church may certainly read these books and learn from them as far as they agree with the canonical books. But they do not have such power and virtue that one could confirm from their testimony any point of faith or of the Christian religion. Much less can they detract from the authority of the other holy books.

After reading this article for the first time, many people (including myself) react in similar fashion to how they reacted after reading Article 4: "The Canonical Books" which did just that, listed the canonical books. We tend to ask the question:

Why did Guido spend time doing this?

Well, to begin; Guido is writing this to King Phillip II in order to set the believers of the Reformed faith apart from the Roman Catholics as well as the Anabaptists. Therefore, this was one way that he could do this since the Roman Catholics understand and believe the Apocryphal books to be in the canon.

To read the Apocrypha, click here. 

Guido states third important things to know about the distinction between the Canonical books and the Apocrypha books.

First, "the church may certainly read these books [Apocrypha] and learn from them..." Guido is giving us permission to read from them and learn some valuable information that might be in them. It is like reading a novel or some other sort of literature other than the Bible. It is okay to read other literature than just the Bible and certainly learn from these various types of literature, but there is a word of warning or a stipulation named by Guido also 

" far as they agree with the canonical books."

We can read these books and learn a great deal from them just like any other piece of literature that isn't in the Biblical Canon, but we cannot believe what they say if it doesn't agree with the Biblical Canon. If it doesn't agree with the Biblical Canon, then we shall not and must not believe what they say. This is one issue that the Apocrypha has. In and of itself it contradicts itself throughout the various books as well as contradicting what is in the Biblical Canon.

Secondly, "But they [Apocrypha books] do not have such power and virtue that one could confirm from them their testimony any point of faith or of the Christian religion." Guido clearly lays it out that the power and virtue that the Apocrypha books have is nothing in comparison to the authority and power that the Biblical Canon has in which he just explained in Article 5. There is absolutely no power because nothing of faith can be learned from them and nothing of the Christian religion can be learned from them; therefore, ultimately, they are simply a form of literature just like any other piece of literature outside the Bible. This proves also that when we read them, we shall not take what they say and raise it to a greater importance over what the Biblical Canon states for us clearly.

And thirdly, "Much less can they [Apocrypha books] detract from the authority of the other holy books." The Apocrypha books' authority cannot take away the authority that the Biblical Canon can. They cannot prove them false or trump them in any way, shape or form.

I have personally read a good number of the 14 Apocrypha books and bits and pieces of others and I have learned some things from them, but ultimately I think that there is a great contradiction between them and the Biblical Canon. I personally, cannot stand reading them because they are frustrating to read at some points.

I also never really liked to read anything outside of the Biblical and theological realm. However, as a Senior in college, I needed to take a World Literature class in which we had to read a good 150-200 page novel each week and write a paper about it (therefore we had to actually read it!). I was dreading this class. However, I finished that class full of a great and new respect for other literature outside the Biblical and theological realm. 

Therefore, I don't regard it as bad to read them;
however I think many Christians 

neglect the Book they should be reading 

for the books that they don't necessarily have to read.

I have heard far to many Christians getting all wrapped up in a novel or novel series that they literally can finish a 250 page novel in 6 hours or something similar to that outrageous number. But then you ask them when was the last time they read the Bible, they often respond, "I don't know; I just don't have much time for that."

My heart sinks. 

It becomes hard (for me) not to judge them and ridicule them for what they are doing.

Reading God's Word revives our souls.

Reading God's Word provides us with wisdom.

Reading God's Word causes us to rejoice.

Reading God's Word gives light to our eyes.

Reading God's Word is to be desired like one may desire a piece of gold.

Reading God's Word is to be desired like sweet honey.

Reading God's Word directs us in the way to live our life in which there is a great reward.

For reading God's Word affects the words we use and the meditations of our hearts.

[That list of things about the Word of God is from Psalm 19:7-14]

So take the challenge. 

Open your Bible and read it. 

Did you know that reading 3 chapters a day for 365 days will get you through the entire Bible?

Praise God for His Word given to us.

April 15, 2014

Fleming-Neon, Kentucky

Fleming-Neon, Kentucky; or simply "Neon" for short is an amazing town.

Many have not even heard of Neon and many don't even bother knowing about Neon.

In case you have no idea where it is; here is a map to locate it (the green star):
And for a closer view....the red/pink color in the middle is "Flemming-Neon"

Fleming-Neon was established in 1913 by the Elkhorn Coal Corporation in the Northeast part of Letcher County (Letcher County has 23 small towns in it). Fleming-Neon was actually two separate towns which eventually merged together in 1978. Not much is known about Neon and its beginnings. But we do know some things.

The train that would haul the coal out of Fleming would stop in Neon. As others would board the train cars; the conductor would tell them to "Knee-On" as they boarded; thus the name stuck for the town even today. Now the town is still known as Fleming-Neon, but people shorten it to be known as simply Neon.

The population has declined in the past 30 years. It was roughly 1,200 people in 1980. However, the present day population is roughly 750 people. 

There is little diversity in Neon with 97% of the people being white and the remainder being African-American, Latino.

The land mass of the city of Neon is extremely small being only 1.7 square miles big. 

54% of the population is married and 16% of the households have no husband present. And the average family size is 2.5 persons. 

The median income for a household in the city was $18,421 in 2012, and the median income for a family was $20,795. This results in roughly 45% of the population living below the poverty line (The USA poverty line is currently at $24,587). The median home price is $40,000 for an average size house.

As far as education goes; Neon recently, in 2005 closed their high school and two other neighboring high schools of Whitesburg and Letcher High School merged to form Letcher County Central High School. Before 2005; the school was started in 1925 by the Elkhorn Coal Corporation to provide education for the coal miners children. However, in 1958 the school was destroyed by a fire; therefore the classes were held in the evenings at the Elementary School building until a new building was constructed. Sadly, the school shut its doors once and for all on June 6, 2005.

My first visit to the little town of Neon was on a mission trip in April, 2000. I have been there all but four years since then and I have loved every single visit. When I first drove through the little tiny town; I was shocked at what I saw. Here are some pictures of Neon.....

If you blink while driving through, you might miss it. But even though it is small, seemingly run down; the city in and of itself is making some big changes.

The picture above is of the Volunteer Fire Department that was recently built to fit the needs of the trucks. This year we also noticed that the Library was rebuilt.

And the city of Neon in general has become a cleaner city. The street sidewalks seem to be cleaner, the sides of the streets and the trash seem to be getting cleaned up.

It has been amazing to see first hand, how God has been transforming this city.

One way that God is transforming this city is through the work of an organization called Housing Oriented Ministries Established for Service (HOMES). HOMES began in 1984 with the same mission that it has today:

HOMES mission is to provide affordable housing solutions to low income families in Letcher and the surrounding counties. These affordable housing solutions include affordable energy efficient homebuyer opportunities, quality affordable home repairs and affordable rental opportunities.

Through this organization, volunteers come and stay at an outpost in the mountains which used to be an old coal mining station. The volunteers that come and go help HOMES with completing its mission. From 1984 until now, HOMES has built 233 newly constructed homes, repaired nearly 300 owner occupied homes and has developed 36 affordable rental units.

This small organization has made a huge impact in the counties surrounding Letcher and Letcher itself, but even more specifically than that is the city of Neon.

Through 11 years of serving in Neon with HOMES I have deconstructed three homes so that new ones can be built on that same site as well as deconstructing an office building for a new one to be built. I have assisted in replacing a wood floor in an occupied home as well as painting an office building. I have began building 6 homes through the HOMES organization.

Besides the transformation that has taken place in the city; there seems to be a new hope for the people. Each year I make an attempt to go to the houses that I have helped with and talk with the owners and maybe even meet them for the first time. This is such a pleasant opportunity and time for me; the joy and hope on their faces that things are well is stunning to me with how little they have.

It teaches me that I don't need much to have the 

real joy 


real hope

of the 


There are also many churches in Neon which are helping with the transformation of this city. And one of those churches is the church that I attend every year I go down there; the Neon First Church of God. 

This church is the most hospitable and compassionate church that I have ever met. It is such a kind and caring Christian community committee the the purest Gospel of grace. Throughout the years, I have built a great relationship with many members of this church as we have been there each year.

However, my time serving in Neon, Kentucky. And my relationship with the Neon First Church of God may be at  standstill for a little while.....

And this pains me.

I love Neon. I love serving there. I love the atmosphere. I love the cold, crisp mornings. I love the fog in the mornings covering the tops of the mountains. I love the bunks we sleep in (not really, but I will miss them).
I love the basketball court. I love the HOMES employees.

But Lord willing, I will be back.

I pray that this may come true. 

For when Neon gets a hold of your heart, 
it is hard to let it go. 

Neon is almost apart of me. 

There seems to be a piece of Neon in my blood 
which I simply cannot separate and get rid of out of my body.
But if I never make it back to Neon, that will be okay......

                                It's okay because 
I know and I am certain that

 God is the God of this city 


He will always be the God of this city.

April 2, 2014

Belgic Confession Article 5: "The Authority of Scripture"

After listing the Canonical Books in Article 4; Guido de Bres continues the section on Theology Proper (God) by explaining the Scripture's authority; where it comes from and who gives it to it.

Article 5 is stated this way:

We receive all these books and these only as holy and canonical, for the regulating, founding, and establishing of our faith.
And we believe without a doubt all things contained in them--not so much because the church receives and approves them as such but above all because the Holy Spirit testifies in our hearts that they are from God and also because they prove themselves to be from God.
For even the blind themselves are able to see that the things predicted in them do happen.

This article in the Belgic Confession is said and known to be the "most Calvinistic" article; meaning that it is the most likely something that the Reformer John Calvin would have written or said; which he has done in many different places.

I have been asked the questions like the following by many people,

"How can we know that the Bible/Scripture is authoritative?" 

"Where does it get its authority from?"

And maybe you have asked this question as well. 

"Where does the authority of the Bible come from?" 

"How do we know that these books in Article 4 are true, authoritative Word of God?"

As I am sure Guido de Bres was asked this and as he is writing this; he probably was anticipating this question also. Therefore, he writes a defense of the authority of Scripture in this article.

In the first paragraph; Guido states that these books are for the "regulating, founding and establishing of our faith." This basically means exactly what 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says:

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work."

What this passage from Paul to the young Timothy and what Guido means by these words is that the Bible is our source of God's revealed words to us--to all of humanity. And these revealed words from God are helpful to us for teaching us, for rebuking us, for correcting us and for training us in righteousness. These are all necessary for the purpose of (key words in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 "so that") the man/woman of God may be competent or prepared and equipped for every good work that God has planned out for them today in advance (see Ephesians 2:10).

In the second paragraph Guido states three distinct things (bad word) that have proved them to be the true Words of God.
And notice the first part, his great confidence he has, "And we believe without a doubt..." Therefore, we too, as Christians living in the 21st century can have this same confidence as Guido had in this truth.

First, the church has testified to the Scriptures truth as the Word of God. They have received them as such and approves them as the true Word of God.

Secondly, and the most important as Guido states, "but above all because the Holy Spirit testifies in our hearts that they are from God..." The Holy Spirit works in our hearts to acknowledge the truth and authority that is found in the Word of God.

And thirdly, the Scriptures themselves prove themselves to be true and from God as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 stated for us.

And then in the last paragraph Guido gives a reason why they testify themselves to be true. This is known as the "Argument from Prophesy". I won't go into details about this too much, but the Old Testament prophesies in the Bible all have come true today in Christ and those that are not fully fulfilled will be fully fulfilled when Christ comes to this earth again.

"For even the blind themselves are able to see the things predicted in them do happen." 

Basically Guido is saying, "Hey dummy, wake up, there is something going on here that you don't need eyes to see." We don't need physical eyes, we need spiritual eyes. And the Holy Spirit provides them for us as He works in our hearts, minds and souls.

Praise be to God for His revealed Word to us!