February 18, 2014

Genesis 12:1-8; Hebrews 11:8 "Do You Know Where You Are Going?"

With experience, traveling gets easier; or at least it should.

If we have previously navigated an airport or are familiar with the local language, it is not overwhelming to get where we are going.

But if we don't know the way to our next gate or can't read the signs pointing the way, we can soon feel lost and have no idea where we are and where we need to go next.

Abraham was in a situation like that.

If we try to put ourselves in his sandals, we can see that it was no small thing to

obey God and follow God's leading.

God promised that Abraham would be a great nation and bring great blessings for "all peoples on earth", but this would required a long journey and a new start, living among strangers in a faraway land.

"He did not know where he was going"

When Abraham arrived at his destination, he built an altar and dedicated it to the Lord, who had brought him there. What a wonderful action in the midst of one of the most memorable pilgrimages in Scripture.

Where has God brought you?

Is your first thought to worship Him for His faithfulness?

God continues to promise us spiritual blessings in this life and the next.

So let's not forget to dedicate the steps of our lives to God, even if, like Abraham, it is unclear exactly where God is leading.


So let's not forget 
to dedicate the steps of our lives to God, 
even if, 
like Abraham,
 it is unclear 
exactly where 
God is leading.

*Taken from the TODAY devotional Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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