January 31, 2013

A Humbling Experience

Today I participated with fellow citizens of Grand Rapids, MI in taking public transportation--the busing system. I have only done this a few times, but never in Grand Rapids. The reason I did this was to save on gas.

As I pulled up to the hospital where I would board the bus, I had no idea where to go. There were so many places that had bus signs which proved very confusing on where to actually board the bus. I simply wanted an enclosed area because it was really snow, cold and windy. But I couldn't find any. As I gathered my bags and closed my car doors, I looked up and saw a bus! Whoot! Whoot! I was actually pretty proud of myself for parking pretty close to it without even knowing it. But I still was a good distance away from it, so I had to do a bit of walking yet, so I was super nervous that it would leave. And the next one was to be coming in 20 minutes. I couldn't miss it.
I made it in time and boarded just fine. No one looked, smiled or even glanced my way. Not one person. I kept thinking to myself how unfriendly these people were being to me! I was very frustrated with what was happening. I was unsure of exactly where to get off and transfer to the next bus, so I didn't want to put my headphones in or get a book out. I just wanted to concentrate. As my transfer stop was getting nearer, the bus driver kindly let me know where to get off and then where to go and wait for the next bus to take me to my final destination.
I got off the bus, crossed the road and stood by the sign by a younger girl who was bundled up from head to toe. I pulled my scarf tighter to cover more of my face and took a glance down the road, praying that the bus would come soon. It didn't. It ended up coming 25 minutes later. Not a very good time standing and waiting in the freezing cold, snowy and windy weather all for a bus.
You see, I could have simply driven to school today, just like I did for the past years, but today I started something new. I am so looking forward to this. Maybe I will make some friends? Maybe I will meet some fellow Christians? Maybe God will let me let my light shine for Him to others? Whatever this purpose is, I am looking forward to it.
Through all of this though, may God get the glory, honor and praise.

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