December 25, 2013

Christmas Songs

One aspect of Christmas that I absolutely love (in moderation though; roughly three to five days before Christmas) are Christmas songs.

Have you ever really pondered the lyrics as you sang them or heard them?

Verse 1
Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room and then all heaven and nature sing! (Echoes of the Psalms!)

Verse 2
Joy to the world, the Savior reigns.....fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains repeat the sounding joy....(again, creation praising God!)

Verse 3
No more let sin and sorrow grow, nor thorns infest the ground (result of the fall). He[Christ] comes to make
His blessings flow; far as the curse is far as the curse has spread because of the Fall; Christ's blessings will go that far and even beyond that!
Verse 4
He[again, Christ] rules the world with truth and grace. And makes the nations(the Gospel is for ALL people!) prove (again, echoes the Psalms!) the glories of His righteousness and wonders of his love.

And then to just think of how Jesus brings us the true joy found nowhere else in the world; yet seems to be found in every gift that is opened. We think the newest toy will bring joy. And lets just go with that a minute. If the newest toy brought you joy; did you prepare room in your heart for it? Does heaven and nature sing because of this new toy? Does nature repeat the sounding joy from this toy? And can this toy go as far as the curse is found? 

And if you sing this song, I encourage you to sing it like you mean it--do you smile when you sing "Joy to the World"? I surely hope this would be true if we meant it!

I don't think so. Therefore, remembering that Jesus is the true joy--the only reason we can have joy; will help make Christmas more memorable and centered on the one aspect of Christmas we should be centered on--Jesus Christ.

O come all ye faithful--did you hear that? When is the last time you, as Christian, have been called faithful? This was common many years ago, but we have lost that vibe and sense of what it actually means to be a Christian--faithful to God.

O Come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free thine own from Satan's tyranny from depths of hell Thy people save. And give them victory o'er the grave....REJOICE! REJOICE! Emmanuel, shall come thee O Israel. What powerful and comforting words with a marvelous response! REJOICE!

Or just listen and watch these two at these links.

Or as you have worship services singing these songs; listen to the words you are singing; they are truly awesome and life-changing.

Merry Christmas!

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