December 31, 2013

Old Year; New Year

2013 is coming to a close and 2014 is rushing in, in roughly about 8.5 hours.

2013 has been an incredible year indeed.

In 2013 here are some significant events in may life:

  • My brother had surgery to remove what was thought to be cancerous; it ended up being benign. Praise the Lord!
  • My nephew celebrated 1 year of life outside the womb! And he has been constantly growing before our eyes!
  • I found out that my pastoral internship for 10 weeks would be at First CRC in Bellflower, California. I cannot thank God enough for this placement as I met so many wonderful people and was able to learn so much about God, myself, the church and relationships
  • My relationship with my girlfriend developed even more; we celebrated 1 year of dating and then three days later we were engaged!
  • Thanksgiving and Christmas and other family events were a reminder that in 2014 I might be on the other side of the country or far away; therefore I need to cherish them now.
  • My Grandpa's health took a downward turn and he is now in a nursing home doing better than he was this summer.
  • My cousin who is 6 days younger than me got married and I was able to join in that celebration
  • And two good friends from church were married also.

And in 2014; Lord willing, I am excited for these blessings: 

  • My sister's graduation from college on May 2
  • My graduation from seminary on May 24
  • My approval at the CRC Synod in early June
  • Mission trip with the youth (my last one) on July 19-26
  • Another little nephew or niece born to my brother and sister(in-law) sometime in July 
  • Marrying my best friend on August 22
  • And hopefully moving and beginning a new job somewhere in the Christian Reformed Church in North America
An exciting year ahead indeed! Cannot wait for 2014, but don't want to wish it away too soon either!

Happy New Year everyone!

Praying God's blessings upon everyone this year!

Numbers 6:24-26

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