August 10, 2013

A Preacher's Prayer and a Prayer for Preachers

I received my license to exhort in the Christian Reformed denomination on April 20, 2012. This allowed me (and still does) to now to 'exhort' (not preach) the Word of God in any Christian Reformed Church (CRC) in the world.

I was ecstatic when I received this news!

Even though I had already preached a handful of times at my home church, Heritage CRC, I was excited to now preach at other churches. So I began immediately in this endeavor of preaching in local churches.

In the summer months of 2012, I worked for VandenBerg Landscaping on Mondays through Thursdays. Then I would preach on the Sunday in a local congregation; I preached every Sunday morning in the summer months except twice; and did a few evening services as well. I immediately began to love preaching and leading worship! It definitely confirmed my calling to be a pastor!

And then throughout the school year I'd preach here and there; mostly during youth group breaks, such as Christmas break.

I also began dating a girl, Denae, on Novermber 29, 2012 which was completely unexpected if I must say so myself. The first question I asked her was, "Could you be a preachers's wife?"

She responded with something similar to this, "Yes, I've always wanted to partner with someone to do ministry."

I was blown away; thrilled and ecstatic doesn't fully describe my emotions.

My first time preaching when we were dating was on December 30, 2012 in the morning and evening.

The plan was for her to come to hear me in the evening and then spend time with my family afterwards. I was nervous! (As I always am when I go and see her, talk to her, etc.)

However, the morning of December 12, I got up early and was preparing my sermon for the morning; it was on 1 Corinthians 1:4-9.

I was a bit behind on preparations, so I had a lot to do. And then my phone dinged....letting me know that I had a text......

I had no idea who it could be or what they wanted since it was around 7 in the morning on a Sunday, but I looked at it anyway. And this is what I found:

It was from Denae.

I don't think she knows how much this has changed me. 

Once again, she blew my mind away. And since I was unfamiliar with this verse; I decided to look it up.

What an encouragement this was! (not the hug, but the verse part (: ) 

1 Corinthians 2:4-5 says this in the NIV: "My (Paul) message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your(the Corinthian believers) faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power."

What encouragement to hear!

I know she prays this, as well as others, each Sunday that I preach. And I appreciate it greatly!

These are the verses (and prayer)that I read before I go into a church, the verses I say before I ascend to the pulpit and the verses I say as I study in the study.

It is a great reminder that even the greatest church planter and pastor of all time didn't need wise and persuasive words; He fully relied on the Holy Spirit. And the "so that" was the purpose and his reasoning for doing so. He didn't want men's faith to rest on what he said or how he said it; he wanted their faith to rest on the power of God. 

How amazing is that?

This was just something I wanted to share with you today as I finalize the preparations for preaching tomorrow from 1 Corinthians 1:17-2:5 "The Gospel Preaching of the Cross".

Please pray for all of those who are ascending the pulpit tomorrow morning; that they might not bring a message with wise and persuasive words; but a message FROM God demonstrating the Holy Spirit's power.

To God be the glory.

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