August 3, 2013

Lord I Need You

The reason I am writing this here is because I was able to talk with my Dad and Mom and just got off the phone with them.

I was explaining how it had been a crazy, busy and overwhelming week.

And then I got the news; Grandpa Koetje was not doing so well in regards to his health. His health has been declining for the past bit and I guess I never thought twice about it.

And after shedding some tears with them; they encouraged me and we hung up.

I went back to the study at BellOne and turned on the radio and the song "Lord I Need You" came one immediately.

Here is a link to the song if you don't know it:

Even if you do know it; you should listen to it.

I wept.

One line goes like this:
"When I cannot stand I'll fall on you; Jesus you're my hope and stay"

Really God? Are you serious right now? You have got to be kidding me!

I was so frustrated; so upset.

God, how could you do this to my Grandpa?! Especially while I'm in California doing your work!

After a few moments of frustration, my Dad sent me a text which read, "Just read Psalm 28:6-9! Brought tears to my eyes as I think of you so far away & our situation with Grandpa! God is so good and He wants to share His grace with us once again! Also read Psalm 23 for comfort as well! Love you & praying for you! May you feel God's peace & presence in this day! Love, Dad."

Really God? Are you serious right now? You have got to be kidding me!

And then I realized my foolishness.

I was going through this week on my own--sermon preparation, adult education, communion, etc.

I was trying to bear the news of my Grandpa's condition on my own.

And this failed miserably; I was falling apart.

Because I was doing this on my own; all I could do was be frustrated and angry.

Now, I've taken time; opened God's Word and read those passages my Dad sent me and listened to the song "Lord I Need You" probably 10 times already.

Psalm 28:6-9
"Praise be to the LORD, for He has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trust in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song. The LORD is the strength of His people, a fortress of salvation for His anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance; be there shepherd and carry them forever."

Now that is powerful.

Just a few short observations because I really need to study:

1. Psalm 27, the Psalm prior to this, ends with these words, "Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." I just preached on Psalm 27 also.......

2. Psalm 28 is about hoping in God and God alone.

3. God hears us when we need Him "He has heard my cry for mercy"

4. The LORD is my strength and my shield vs 7; and in vs 8 The LORD is the strength of His people.

5. Our hearts do two things: vs 7 "my heart trusts in Him" because He is my strength and shield and "My heart leaps for joy" because He hears me.

6. And because God hears us "I will give thanks to Him in song"--funny how I was drawn to that song right away....

7. And then David ends with four petitions in vs 9: "save your people" and "bless your inheritance" and then these two get me; especially after reading Psalm 23 ("The LORD is my shepherd...") "be their shepherd" and "carry them forever"

I think these observations speak for themselves without much explanation.

And just let me tell you about my Grandpa Koetje and why he is so important to me:

After reflecting on my life (last year I did this), and I realized I didn't write this in the previous post entitled "My Journey", but I was drawn to God's Word because of my Grandpa Koetje. When the extended family would get together or when we would be over there for lunch; Grandpa Koetje always would read the Bible after or before dinner for devotions.

I was amazed at how he read the Bible.

He read God's Word with such confidence, knowing that the words which he read were God's Words.

And then he would explain the text.

This wouldn't be long or drawn out; maybe 5-7 sentences. These weren't just any sentences though.

These were sentences that were thought out and carefully worded.

I believe he was able to explain God's Word in such a deep and concise yet clear manner was because he not only knew the Word, but he studied God's Word.

Grandpa Koetje was and still is and will always be a man of God; displaying this to all he came into contact with; especially his children, his children's spouses, his grand-kids and great-grand-kids.

Grandpa Koetje was and still is and will always be a man who loved God's Word with a deep passion and he taught me how to love God's Word with a deep passion.

Grandpa Koetje was and still is and will always be one of the main reasons that I entered the ministry (outside of God's calling of course).

Grandpa Koetje was and still is and will always be my greatest encouragement.

Lord, I confess my sin of reliance on myself. Bowing here before you, I find my rest and hope in you alone. Because when I am without you, I fall apart. You're the One that guides my heart. Lord I need you, Oh I need you. Every hour I need you. When I cannot stand, I'll fall on you; Jesus your my only hope.

"My heart trust in Him, for I am helped."

"My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song"

Lord, "be my shepherd and carry me forever"
Psalm 28:7, 9

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