July 26, 2013

God's Leading

 Many have asked me this question, "Brady, what led you to become a pastor?" And many times I give them the shortened version; but there is a long version also.....

Therefore, I thought I'd share it with you!

But just a quick note about this.....I like sharing this story of how God has worked; but I don't do it out of arrogance. It is absolutely humbling to be able to study God's Word and proclaim God's Word. It is an honor and a privilege; so please don't think I am coming to you out of an arrogant attitude.

And oh yeah.....I don't have it all figured out either....

Well, to answer this question in short; it would be that God led me to be a pastor by working through many people and events in my life constantly confirming His call on my life.

So to start it off......

When I was super young--before my teens--I always wanted to be a Police Officer or a Firefighter because I wanted to save people. However, God had different plans of saving people....

In my 8th grade year at Byron Center Christian School there was an event in my family that lasted for a while. And during this traumatic and life-changing time; I saw how the people of Heritage CRC gathered around my family showing their love and support for us.

I also took great note of how my pastors at the time; Pastor Kevin Stieva and Youth Pastor Todd Kuperus took special care of me--especially for me it was Pastor Todd.

I also received great care from the principal Glenn Hendriks and the History teacher Tom DeBlecourt. I remember sitting in Tom's room as he went around the class checking our homework and he came to me and I didn't have it done. The night before was a rough one and I couldn't focus to get it done. Therefore I asked him, "Can I talk with you after class?"

I still don't know why I asked this, but I did. And we spent the next two hours talking about the situation and everything else. He was there for me; he cared for me and I appreciated that in such a marvelous and magnificent way!

Through all these situations I kept thinking, "I sure do want to help people someday like these people have helped me so much!"

The Lord was working already.

Fast-forward to my 16th birthday. An exciting time between my Freshmen and Sophomore year of high school at South Christian. After opening gifts, blowing out candles, I was sitting on the picnic table outside our camp trailer at Holland State Park (just like every other year). My family was there and then my Mom popped the question,

"So Brady, what do you want to be when you get older?"

I answered in the most sarcastic way ever, "I want to be a pastor!"

To this day, I still don't know what caused me to answer this way or to respond this way; only God knows.

My Mom kept asking me over the course of the next few months if I really wanted to be a pastor. And I kept responding, "yes".

Pastor Todd Kuperus got wind of this somehow (now I know parents are sneaky). He met with me once and then we continually met every single month until the day he departed Byron Center. He brought to my attention a program called "Facing Your Future" at Calvin Theological Seminary. It is a program for those interested in ministry which explores various ministries and listen to lectures on ministry for those who have completed their Junior or Senior year of high school. I signed up and was accepted into the program and attended this program after my Junior year of high school. It was life-changing.

God, through this program, opened up my eyes to what ministry is and where it can happen. It isn't just from the pulpit and doesn't just happen in the church.

It happens in El Paso, Texas where a man teaches Spanish speaking people how to read, write and speak English by using the Bible as the curriculum.

It occurs in hospitals as chaplains lead services and visit patients.

It is an everyday occurrence.

After these three weeks of intense ministry focused sessions; I felt God tugging on my heart to go into pastoral ministry somewhere. And I was open to HIS leading--anywhere.

Throughout high school, I earned the nickname 'Rev' by fellow classmates and athletes as I was the one who would pray before games and before meals. I also found that I had a deep love for the Scripture and love for studying it.

Rewind lots of years. I don't exactly remember how old I was; but my church goes on mission trips every year over the high school spring break to Kentucky. One year, my parents (whom I haven't thanked enough for this) decided we, as a family, should go. We have gone on them every single year except one. And I missed 4 years while I was in college due to different spring breaks. Through these trips, God also was focusing my mind and my heart on ministry--helping others. I have also been apart of the mission trips offered through the youth group I attended. These were extremely formidable times for my heart by God. And I have to thank God for working in my parent's lives and hearts to say 'yes' to this wonderful opportunity of service!

However, (back to Senior year of high school) I really wanted to play soccer in college and study ministry. So I checked out random colleges and my coaches were certain that I could make it at the college level playing soccer--the game I loved.

The first college that I learned of, was at Facing Your Future, and it was Kuyper College (formerly Reformed Bible College--RBC) which as a ministry focus college and had a great Pre-Seminary scholarship. But one problem existed in my mind--it had no sports. So it was out of the question.

I then checked out different colleges and visited a few of them. But I either didn't like the school or the soccer team/coach.

And one day on a game day for basketball, I ended up at Kuyper College (I still don't know why). And the moment I stepped into the door--I realized that God was going to have me here--this was HIS college that HE wanted me to go to. I felt peace. I felt peace probably because I realize I was running from what God wanted--like Jonah--except thank God I didn't get swallowed by a great fish! Now, I was at peach and felt the peace of God rush through me as I met with professors. And in my Sophomore year there, they got a soccer team; so I was able to play!

After visiting, I was aware of a full-ride scholarship to Kuyper College in their Pre-Seminary program; with the condition that I HAD to attend Calvin Theological Seminary to achieve some sort of degree. This sounded wonderful to me at the time; so I applied and received it! Praise the Lord!

During my time at Kuyper College(2007-2011), there were some major ups and downs that I had to deal with--they were all personal things that I needed to get through. I met my best friends there, including my roommate Harrison Burgett(Harry) who is so similar to me! And my other friend Michael Becze (BZ). And my friend Alistair Whytock(Al or Shamus) and my moped riding partner Jonathan Stockeland (Viking). And my other friend Jonathan Van Dyke(JVD). These men have all played a pivotal role in my formation as a godly man as well as a preacher.

God knew who I would meet and what I would go through. He went through each obstacle and trying situation AND all the good times right along with me. For which I am extremely grateful!

In my Sophomore year at Kuyper College a lady came to visit named Amy Bloomquist. She was representative from A Christian Ministries in the National Parks (ACMNP). I looked into it and it sounded thrilling! What they do is they place seminarians and college students in the National Park system to work there and lead worship services! I was placed in Grand Canyon National Park and what a blessing this time was to form me as a preacher! We led worship services for the guests and those who worked at the park each night. I would lead on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. I worked Monday through Friday in the warehouse counting souvenirs(not fun). And then on Friday evening, I would head into the canyon and get out on Sunday. I hiked a lot. I learned a lot about God, myself and ministry. I recommend this to any college or seminary student!

And then I received a phone call in the beginning of August while I was still in Grand Canyon National Park. I still remember I had just got done eating my dinner and was sitting on the edge of the canyon. It was from Pastor Todd. He had called before just to check in; so I figured it was the same conversation which was to take place. However, as the call continued on I knew there was some reason why he called. And then he said it.

He was taking a call to Bradenton CRC in Florida. I was devastated. This man had played such an influential role in forming me as a seeker of ministry and as a man of God. I tried to act excited for him, but I couldn't. My heart broke and I cried like a baby who just lost his favorite blanket (which happened to me--just ask my Mother). I was going to return home to Michigan and he wouldn't be there. I was not going to have a person to ask questions of or to get lunch or dinner or breakfast with every month....to say the least; I was devastated.

However, a week later I received an email from the president of council at Heritage CRC. I don't think I had ever talked to him before; so I wasn't sure what it was about. He explained how Pastor Todd took a call to Florida and how Pastor Todd recommended me and council approved me to fill his position as the "Part-Time Spiritual Leader of the Youth" at Heritage CRC for one year.

I was dumbfounded....me? Really? You have got to be kidding me. I bet he emailed the wrong person. However, after speaking to the president of council a few hours later on the phone; I realized he was serious and the email did go to the correct person.


I prayed about it many times and within a few days I gave him an answer. I told him that I would joyfully accept this position. I still don't remember what feelings were going through my mind or heart at the time; so I really can't say too much about it.

And the funny thing is that I always told myself that I could NEVER do youth ministry. God was clearly thinking differently.

During the my first year of ministry at Heritage CRC to the youth, I realized how much I absolutely loved ministering to the youth. Therefore, I expressed this to the president Tim Licatesi and his trusty elder, Larry Terborg and they brought this to council and my 'contract' was extended a year with more hours. And this is how it went year to year. I now have completed my fourth year and will start, Lord willing in my fifth year this fall! And I absolutely love it!

A quick note about this youth director position. Many people think that this is just a 'stepping stone' into full-time ministry. I don't see it that way. I think if I saw it that way, then I would have a different attitude of "Okay, I'm just gonna put my time in and get ready for the next bigger and greater thing." Well, I don't believe that being a youth pastor, doesn't put me on the 'low end of the totem pole'. There is no ladder to climb in ministry; no job promotion to a greater level. Ministry is ministry. And a Youth Minister is just as important as a Senior Pastor. (And this is not just because I am doing youth ministry--it is because I am showing that I don't view youth ministry as MY stepping stone). Therefore, this ministry that I am involved in and lead; is not a stepping stone for the pastorate (Lord willing). It surely is a time of growth and learning--yes. But I don't view it as a stepping stone to bigger and better things (hope that makes sense).

And another quick word about these two men--Tim and Larry. My first year was fun and good. However, this first year and the second they were amazing at checking in with me and forming me as a youth minister by getting me organized and helping me with different thigns as well as answering questions that I had. They were such a blessing and I cannot thank God enough for them in my life! I don't think I've ever told them that.....I will do that.

I then graduated from Kuyper College(2011) with a deep love for God's Word and theology. I was accepted to Calvin Theological Seminary in their Masters of Divinity program. And now I will start my final year this Fall and Lord willing graduate next May!

Over the course of these years, there wasn't really 'one' moment in time where I just knew God was calling me to be a pastor; it was many events and people which God placed in my life to confirm this calling. For an image, I would say that it has been like walking up stairs.

And over these years I have spoken at many different places and in front of many people for various reasons--chapels were the main thing; speaking in church; youth group; preaching a little and others. All these times have confirmed God's calling on my life.

And there have also been many people who have helped me in this journey as I stated above; however, the four most influential people in this process were my Dad, my Mother, my brother Brandon(and now Katie and Nolan) and my sister Brianna. They continually guided me; provided encouragement during the MANY tough and challenging circumstances; they gave me advice in certain situations; they have asked questions of me; they have challenged me; they have gave me hope; they have provided many laughs; and lastly, they have let God work through them to help mold me to man that I am today.

You know, there are many books out there about being a "pastor's wife"; however, I haven't found ANY about being a "Pastor's Family" or "How to Raise a Pastor". So maybe we can write it? What do you think family?

I only say this because it hasn't been a smooth and easy road down this journey. There have been bumps, hills and mountains that we have had to face TOGETHER. But the fact that we are still here together today to speak about God's grace which has held us together and His love which has been lavished upon us; is absolutely amazing. The devil has worked over-time on us; however, we(mainly my parents!) have relied heavily on the Holy Spirit's guidance and lead with the cross of Christ front and center knowing that the victory has already been won. And it is by God's grace that we are the family that we are today and I can only say....

Thank you Dad and Mom for everything.

Thank you Brandon and Katie and Nolan for everything.

Thank you Brianna for everything.

Thank you God for everything(especially my family!).

For to God, belongs all glory and all honor and all praise.

As I've been preaching much more often and in different churches; I have come to love it. I love studying God's Word and I love preaching God's Word. It is such a blessing!

And I must say that it is truly humbling and an honor and a privilege to be able to read God's Word; to study God's Word; to share God's Word and to proclaim God's Word.

And to think that when I was a little kid (ask my Dad or Mom for what grade/age) I used to stutter; like not just a little bit---A LOT! (Ask Brandon or Brianna or Dad and Mom for some stories--they've got a ton; and I must admit that they are pretty funny!)

And from a stutter that was healed (thank you speech pathologist and God!) to now standing in front of people and speaking?

How could I claim any success for myself--it is all God.

This story is all about God.

Let me say that again; this story is not about Brady; it is about God.

God working through people to mold me.

And God working through events to mold me.


To God be ALL the glory.

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