July 2, 2013

The Latest Happenings

Yesterday, I experience my first council meeting at Bell One. It was an interesting experience for sure. Considering this is what the President of Council was sitting in (see picture below); it was a good experience.

 The chair was the "King's Throne" we used for VBS and this was the first full council meeting that this particular President ran; therefore it was more of a joke than anything.

And last night for dinner, I made these delicious things: they are jalapenos filled with cheese and wrapped in bacon!

Today, I was the honored guest at a group of ladies called the "Wacky ole Widows" or the "Wise ole Women"; basically the acronym for the group is W.O.W. so they told me it doesn't matter what you put in there as long as there are two 'w's and one 'o'. This was such a great time! They also told me that if I don't remember any of their names, I can just say 'grandma' and hopefully one of them will hear me! Such a fun and caring group of women!

And the remainder of today, I worked on sermon stuff for this Sunday. My text for the A.M. is Luke 2:8-20, titled: "The Gospel of Great Joy". In the evening it will be from Psalm 15. I received a phone call this afternoon asking me if I would like to go hit some golf balls at the driving range. So I went with Matt and Keith (two phenomenal men who have enfolded me greatly!). 

Oh and I almost forgot, a man who has been working at the property here at church each morning for a little bit, Lloyd is his name; an older gentlemen who I share a cup of coffee with each morning he is here says that he has something for me today. So I went to my study and he comes in a little bit later with two rocks! On Sunday, I had preached on how God is our rock who will help us kill sin, and I told the congregation that I absolutely love rocks and I collect rocks. So Lloyd and his wife gave me two rocks today! And I also received one from one of the Wacky Widows. Such a blessing!

I guess it is a good thing to know that people DO actually listen to sermons that the preacher preaches :)

It is a blessing to know that so many people care and are willing to help out. It has been absolutely amazing to be here and I am looking forward to the remainder of my time!

I also will begin an adult education class going through the book of 1 Corinthians which will start on July 21 and go for an hour after each morning service. We will see how many people show up during the summer time; but I am looking forward to this opportunity!

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