July 5, 2013

Fourth of July

After spending the fourth of July mostly working on my sermons for Sunday and relaxing a bit.I was feeling a bit homesick.

You see, if I was home, I'd be camping at Holland State Park along the beautiful Lake Michigan.

I'd be playing tennis or rollerblading with my Dad in the morning.

I'd be golfing in the morning with some of the guy cousins and uncles.

I'd be throwing football for hours upon hours in the water with my Father.

I'd be enjoying a wonderful Koetje get-together; barbecuing some burgers and enjoying fellowship with cousins, uncles and aunts. And celebrating the many birthdays and anniversaries that we have around this time of year.

I'd most likely be spending time with my girlfriend Denae.

I'd get to experience time at the beach with my family.

I'd be watching my little nephew, Nolan (whom I miss so much!) run through the sand and swim.

I'd be sleeping outside under the stars on my cot; next to the fire after everyone has gone to bed.

I'd be watching the wonderful fireworks display with my family, extended family and most likely Denae, from the Holland State Park beach or channel.

However, that is not how I spent my fourth of July.......but what I did was awesome!

I spent the morning and afternoon preparing my sermons, listening to music, relaxing, praying and I even did some grocery shopping!

I was invited to a 'block party' from some couples from church. I also was invited to three other places to hang out for the night. Since I was invited to the block party first, I thought it was best if I would go and do that.

I was a little hesitant to go because I wasn't sure how it'd be. I wasn't sure if I'd be talked to or if I'd be the one who was 'left out'. But that wasn't the case at all.

I arrive at this block party to find close to 200 people or more there and the road was even literally blocked off so no traffic could get through. As I arrived, I was graciously invited to sit by the members of Bell One who invited me (Sam and Kelly, Eric and Jen, Matt and Chelsea, Keith and Carmen, and Steve and Shelley) to sit by them. So I set up my lawn chair and sat down.

The man next to me, who I didn't know said to me, "Are you Pastor Brady?" I told him that I was; and then I proceeded to ask him his name (which I forgot, so I am sorry if you read this). And he replied, "Great sermon last Sunday! My kids enjoyed it and so did my wife and I! I was wondering how it was going to be, no offense please, with a seminarian preaching from the Old Testament; but you sure did a great job!" I thanked him kindly and we began a conversation. He was not from Bell One, but was there due to the VBS celebration that we had that Sunday because his kids attended the VBS. We had a great conversation.

I soon was approached by three others on separate occasions asking me if I was Pastor Brady. I replied again that I was. Then they proceeded to tell me how much they've enjoyed my sermons. Two were members of Bell One and one wasn't; they were just there because of VBS and decided to come to our church the Sunday prior. Wow, God is good!

There was so much to do at this block party for all ages, as well as so much to eat! There were two inflatable bounce things for young kids; a bike parade for the younger kids; a corn hole (bean bag toss) tournament; basketball, ping-pong, and once again, lots of food!

I signed up for the corn-hole single elimination tournament. There was 52 people who signed up and everyone put in $5 for a pot of $260. The first place team would take home $100 each; the second place team would take home $25 each and the third place team would get their money back--$5. And the pairing was at random.

I was paired with a man in his 40's probably (sorry if you read this and I got your age wrong) and his name was James. He had never played corn-hole before and I explained that I hadn't played in quit a while. And I learned that he used to be a missionary (not sure where, I never asked). He even attended Calvin College and then Calvin Theological Seminary for one year. I wasn't expecting to win or to even to get close to winning. However, because he used to be a missionary and me being a pastor, I think the Lord was on our side (that was a joke). We placed third in the corn-hole tournament! Not to bad for someone who hasn't played in a while and for someone who has never played before!

So we got our money back. We didn't lose anything and we didn't win anything; solid work James.

During the tournament, there was a bike parade for the younger kids; what a riot they had with this! They decorated their bikes and looked like they were having a grand 'ole time!

After the corn-hole tournament was done and darkness was setting in. They had fireworks also! And there was also fireworks which were being shot all around from different neighborhood people; so there were plenty of fireworks to watch!

And how could I forget all the little kids; they were so cute! Check them out:

From Right to Left: Not sure of the first girls name, but it is Eric and Jenn's daughter. Then the twins of Matt and Chelsea named Faith and Cole who are nine months. Then the last boy is Seth who is Keith and Carmen's littlest. 
These are the twins who are nine months old from Matt and Chelsea--Faith and Cole. I asked them, "Do you need help feeding them? I can help you!" They replied, "Nope, we are all set." I was figuring that they were just being nice to not have me do it, but lo and behold; they did it themselves!

So, even though I definitely miss being home this time of year; God truly has blessed me with great friends who have become family out here in California. It is an honor to be here with these wonderful, God-fearing Christians at Bell One. It is truly amazing and awesome. I cannot thank God enough for how they have enfolded me and included me in all that they do.

Praise the Lord!

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