July 4, 2013

Loneliness, Boredom and the Goodness of God

For those of you who are alone or spend much time alone or have times where you are alone; all by yourself, you know the feeling of loneliness and possibly boredom.

Loneliness is when you are alone and isolated.

Boredom is when there seems to be nothing to do.

Boredom hasn't set in much because there is always stuff to do; however loneliness on the other hand, has set in at different times--just a little bit. (Don't worry Ma, it is all good, just continue reading)

This time of the year is always hard being away from my family due to the fact that we would normally be camping at Holland State Park on Lake Michigan. And sometime around the 4th of July, the extended family on my mother's side gets together for celebration.

I've missed it, again.

And on Monday, this loneliness was setting in for the first time. Last week was VBS in the evening, so it really didn't have a chance to set in. But I knew this week was going to be different because there wasn't much to do on the evenings. On Monday, I had a council meeting at night and I knew it could be a rough night due to having nothing to do after, but I was also looking forward to it. And Monday night sort of dragged on. I wasn't looking forward to the rest of the nights this week.

I spent some time in prayer on Monday evening; praying for the sermons on Sunday, for the church and for myself. I guess I expected to feel 'not lonely' immediately. But that isn't what God was thinking

Tuesday, I didn't want to get out of bed, but I managed to do so (I was pretty tired and also wasn't looking forward to the evening). As the clock spun around and finally it reached 10 AM (I secretly thought it was 2 PM!). And then my phone vibrated on my desk. I figured it wasn't very important, so I didn't answer it because I was deep in thought. But I got around to looking at it a few moments later and it was Matt, from church here, asking if I wanted to go to the driving range with him and Keith later that afternoon. I told him I'd go.

So we went and I had a joyous time (really, I did!)

I had previously asked about getting a BBQ(they call it a BBQ here, I call it a grill). And Keith had something he had to drop off before we went to the range. He stopped over and dropped off the BBQ (the grill)! I was so ecstatic! And then after coming home from the range, I got a text around 7:30 from Matt telling me that him and Keith were coming over to put together the BBQ with me! I was ecstatic! So these guys came over and put the BBQ together with me--God is good.

Here are some pics (notice the drill and hammer to put together a Southern California BBQ.....):

So we absolutely had a blast getting to know each other more and putting together a BBQ! Keith really needs to know how to read the directions though, he screwed up on a really important step. It isn't completely done; almost, but not yet. And when it is, we are going to BBQ some big things on it!

And then last night, I came home after work, talked with my girlfriend Denae, and then was wondering what to do the remainder of the night....hmmmmm....so I decided to go to the beach to read some and watch the sunset. It was absolutely breath-taking! Here are some pics:

 It was absolutely breath-taking! Watching the sunset/sunrise has got to be one of my favorite things to do! Once again, it was a great reminder of the presence of God!

And as I was sitting on the beach and reading, I realized I missed a call from my Father, so I called him back and it was a great phone conversation! Thanks Dad!

Then, as I was walking back to my vehicle with my lawn chair and backpack, I checked my phone and realized that I had another missed call. It was Keith. He didn't leave a voicemail, so I was uncertain whether to call him back or not. But I did and he was inviting me to watch him and Matt and a few others play their last rec league basketball game. So I went and made it by halftime, and they won! It was their first win, so it was a pretty big deal! haha

Matt is making a free throw above to put them up 3 with 10 seconds left! And Victory, 42-39, to the right

And then tonight, it has been amazing to see how many people have called, texted, emailed or stopped by my study to see what I have planned for the 4th of July. I've probably had close to 10 offers on things to do--absolutely amazing! But so hard to choose! So I think I'm going to a block party with a whole bunch of people that I guess a street gets shut down!

God has definitely placed men here in my life who have enfolded me and others who have treated me like family. It has been such an awesome blessing, I cannot thank God enough for these people. God has been so good to me in my time here by sending people to keep me company, to visit with, to enjoy a meal.

So like I said earlier, yes I've felt lonely, but not much at all in comparison to what it could be!

And another thing I want to add; I was talking with my mentor back home; Reverend Mike Hoogeboom, about loneliness. And he advised to "turn your loneliness into a time of solitude." What great advice! And then I told a young adult male about this via email and he suggested listening to podcasts from my favorite pastors/theologians/commentators/etc. And the funny thing is, I had them on my iphone, I just never listened to them, so that is how I've been managing my lonely time--spending it in solitude with God.

And boy has it been great.

God is good.

P.S. Happy 4th of July everyone!

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