July 26, 2013

As of Late

This week has been good.

I am not preaching in the AM or PM this weekend for various of reasons; one of which that the council was giving me the time off to 'rest'. I know what you're thinking; "Brady, didn't you just have the week off?" Why yes I did. But I've got the remainder of my time here--5 weeks and it is going to be busy, busy busy!

But this week was good to catch up and plan ahead.

I've started the Adult Education class I am leading on Sundays at 11 AM on 1 Corinthians. The first week was great and this week should be good also!

On Tuesday I went to the beach at night and had a camp fire on the beach which was awesome!

We were at Bolsa Chica beach which costs $15 to park....and the dutch part of me was saying, "Since I am going to be there from 5:30-8:30 I am not going to pay that. So I searched for FREE parking. And I found some! I was told they were in between lifeguard towers 22 and 23.

When I got out of my vehicle after finding a parking spot and making my way to the beach, I found the nearest lifeguard tower and read it and it said '28'. So I knew I was in for a long walk. Therefore, I left my sandals in the vehicle and started walking.....and I walked some more....and some more....and finally reached it. I realized my feet were hurting a bit because I was walking on the paved path by the beach....but I didn't know it was this bad.....check it out...

So those white oval like things on my heels are the result of my foolishness...blisters. Now I feel pain every time weight is put on them; I guess you can say that I learned my lesson.....
The rest of the week consisted of preparing for Adult Education this week which is 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. I was able to Skype with Brian Keuning, a young man of God that I've thoroughly enjoyed learning from and getting together multiple times.

We each reflected on how we got together 3-4 months ago and we had no idea what God had in store for us this summer and for him; next fall. And God has graciously provided for us and opened up doors greater than we could imagine! God's provision is such an important aspect of our lives that we NEED to reflect on. Thanks Brian for helping me do this! (and hope you don't mind the pictures!)

Which reminds me to say, that if you want to Skype or Facetime or call or whatever, please do!

Today (Friday), I went to the Artesian Christian Home with an elder, Jerry Westra. I went with him to visit Ida den Ouden who was placed on hospice before I left for MI and now I was going to meet all those who were members of BellOne (First CRC) in the Home. What a blessing this morning was to meet all of them and talk with them! Such wonderful saints of God! And Jerry sure does know how to love on those elderly members and make them feel important for the Kingdom of God and for the glory of God. We then enjoyed a nice meal at Don Jose's which was delightful.

I then looked for possible hikes I could go on for tomorrow(Saturday) and now I am enjoying some blogging time.


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