June 30, 2013

"The Bible Helps Us Stand Strong" 2 Kings 22:1-2; 23:1-25

Read: 2 Kings 22:1-2

Summary of 2 Kings 22:3-20:
·         In the 18th year of King Josiah’s reign, which makes him 26 years old, he has his secretary, Shaphan, go to the temple and check in with the high priest, Hilkiah, to make sure everything was going smoothly in the rebuilding of the temple.
·         Hilkiah found the Book of the Law and gave it to Shaphan to bring it back to Josiah. Shaphan read the Book of the Law in King Josiah’s presence and Josiah tore his robes because of what was written.
·         He then sent five of his trusted men to the prophetess Hulda to find out what the Lord meant in the Book of the Law.
·         And the message which he received back was that Judah was going to be destroyed. And this is where we pick up the story….

Read: 2 Kings 23:1-25

I. Introduction
            One of my favorite things to do whenever I go somewhere on vacation or when I am traveling is collect rocks from wherever I go. It may be big rocks or small rocks, cool rocks or not so cool rocks—I love all of them. In fact, people who know that I love rocks; when they go on vacation, they don’t bring me back a t-shirt, rather they bring me back a rock—to which I greatly rejoice! I’ve actually got a rock pile in my room that’s about 3 foot long by 2 foot wide and 2 ½ feet high. And I also have many rocks spread all throughout my room in Michigan. I look at these every time I wake up and every time I enter my room because it reminds me that God is my rock. He is my cornerstone and even when things in life don’t seem to be going my way and life seems tough, I know that God will always be there because He is my Rock; He is my fortress. And I know that when God is my Rock, when I am built upon Him; I can stand strong.
            Not only do I love to collect rocks, but I also love to read. Some of my favorite men to read about are them known as the Puritans—like William Bridge, William Bates, Richard Baxter and John Owen to name a few. One of my favorite quotes from these men is from John Owen who said, “Be killing sin or it will be killing you.” “Be killing sin or it will be killing you.”
This story about King Josiah is certainly about how he was able to kill sin because he had God who was his rock and cornerstone of his life.

II. Sin Had Killed Those Who Went Before King Josiah
            King Josiah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but not all the kings were like this. On the back of the outline in your bulletin there is a chart of the kings and it is helpful to look at this when examining it or it might get confusing. After King Solomon died, the nation of Israel was split into two nations—Judah(the Southern Kingdom) and Israel(the Northern Kingdom). All of the Kings of Israel were wicked and did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord, therefore they were destroyed. Their sin had killed them. It was their sin that destroyed the entire nation.
            However, the nation of Judah, survived roughly 200 years longer than Israel. This nation had some evil kings, but they also had a few good kings. For example, King Hezekiah, who was Josiah’s great-grandpa, did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. But King Hezekiah’s son was King Manasseh and he was Josiah’s grandpa. He reigned for 55 years doing evil in the eyes of the Lord.
After he died, King Josiah’s father, named King Amon reigned on the throne. But he only reigned 2 years. He was killed by his own people due to his sin—literally; the sin which he committed killed him. Thus, after King Amon died, Josiah was made King. And young King Josiah was not about to have sin kill him as it had done to those who had gone before him.
            But what shouldn’t King Josiah do? What were the other kings doing wrong? Well the people of Judah and the kings were following the ways of the other nations around them by worshiping their gods. They were not worshipping the One True and Holy God who delivered them out of slavery in Egypt. For example, Josiah’s grandpa, King Manasseh, he built altars to the starry hosts, he sacrificed his own son in a fire, he practice sorcery and divination, he consulted mediums and spiritists and he carved Asherah poles and placed them in the temple. These are just a few of the idols that King Manasseh made for the people. He did this because he was following the ways of the nations around him; thus allowing sin to not only kill him, but also sin was killing the whole nation of Judah.
            And King Josiah’s dad, King Amon, followed in his dad’s footsteps by doing evil in the eyes of the Lord, worshiping idols and bowing down to them. And King Amon’s officials were not happy with this. They had enough, so they killed him. Literally, he was killed because of the sins he was committing. The nation of Judah surely didn’t have the Lord as their Rock and they certainly were not killing sin.

III. King Josiah Killed Sin
            But King Josiah did something different than the 57 years of kings who reigned before him. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord…not turning aside to the right or to the left. He killed sin. The Bible commands us to kill sin and to flee from sin, but it sometime seems confusing on how exactly this is done. Well, this story of King Josiah and the Bible points each day from VBS provide for us with 6 ways on how we can stand strong in order to kill sin.
First, King Josiah realized the love that God has for him and the nation of Judah and he realized that this love would help him stand strong. After hearing the Book of the Law read and after consulting the prophetess Huldah, Josiah immediately renewed the covenant that God had with the nation of Israel from Mt. Sinai. The covenant stated that God would be their God and they would be his people. They would follow the 10 Commandments and all the other laws He would give them so that they would be different than other nations. They were to be a holy nation, separating themselves from all the other nations. This covenant clearly shows the love of God given to His people because He called them His people, He delivered them from slavery, He provided for their physical needs in the desert by providing manna; He protected them from all the nations who would attack them and He showed His love to them in many other ways as well. Therefore, King Josiah recognized these acts of love and wanted to renew the covenant which God had originally made with His people. And by renewing the covenant, Josiah remembered the great and deep love that God the Father had for him and for the nation of Judah. This helped King Josiah kill sin and stand strong on God as His Rock.
Do you ever think deeply how much God loves you? He loves you so much that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to live as the God-man. He died a cruel death on a cross for the sins of those who believe in Him as their Lord and Savior. He has adopted us as His sons and daughters who are co-heirs with Jesus Himself. People of God, this is amazing love. This should help us as we strive to kill sin and it also will keep us firm on the Rock because nothing on heaven and earth shall separate us from this love that God has for us.
Second, King Josiah had advisors who were his family and friends. Surely as a young king at age 8, he couldn’t rule alone without any guidance. He had five trusted friends and his mother whom he sought guidance from. His mother, Jedidah, gave him guidance on how to rule the kingdom in a right manner because she saw her husband killed by his own people due to his unfaithfulness to God. His five trusted friends were the friends that he sent to the prophetess Huldah in 2 Kings 22:12. They were:
  • Shaphan—his secretary
  • Hilkiah—the high priest
  • Ahikam
  • Acbor
  • And Asaiah—his attendant.

These men probably were around during King Manasseh’s reign and also during King Amon’s reign, therefore they knew the wickedness and the evil things they had done. Now they could properly raise the young King Josiah in a manner of following the Lord after all the wickedness that had come upon them. These people definitely helped King Josiah in his walk to kill sin in his own life and in the nation of Judah.
            Just as King Josiah had trusted in these advisers, we too, need people that we can trust in guiding us. Often times these are close friends and family members. In my life, my parents have been the ones who have provided the greatest amount of guidance on how to be a godly man. And my college roommate, Harrison, and another college friend, Jonathan, talk on the phone weekly to make sure we are walking with the LORD. These are sometimes painful conversations, but having someone as an accountability partner to be guided in life is such a blessing and a wonderful gift! Just as King Josiah was given family and friends to help him stand strong, so we are given family and friends to help us also stand strong on God our Rock so that we may kill sin.
            The third way which King Josiah killed sin is by seeking the Lord. The story of King Josiah is also told in 2 Chronicles 34-35. The Chronicles account provides us with a little more detail about King Josiah’s life. It says in 34:3 that in the 8th year of Josiah’s reign, which makes him 16 years old, he began to seek the God of David. We aren’t told that in the Kings narrative, but we are told that he went to the prophetess Huldah to “inguire of the LORD”. King Josiah wanted to know what God said about the finding of the Book of the Law and what it meant for the people; therefore he sought God through the prophetess Huldah, who gave him a lot of knowledge about what was to come. He also sought the Lord in many other areas of his life as well—these all helped him kill sin in his life and in the land of Judah and helped him stand strong on God his Rock.
            Many times, when we talk about ‘seeking God’ we can be confused at to what this exactly means; well, King Josiah went to the prophetess because he wanted to know what the Book of the Law meant. So he sought out the Lord through the prophetess. We too can seek out God on our very own—it is called prayer. Prayer brings us before the face of God and into His holy presence through Jesus Christ. John Piper says this about seeking, “Seeking involves calling and pleading, O Lord, open my eyes. O Lord, pull back the curtain of my own blindness. Lord, have mercy and reveal yourself, I long to see your face.” And God promises that when we seek Him, we will find Him (1 Chronicles 28:9; Hebrews 11:6). When ask, we will receive, when we seek, we will find and when we knock the door will be opened unto us (Matthew 7:7). When we seek God through prayer, we will be killing sin; sin will not be killing us.
            The fourth way which King Josiah stood strong in order to kill sin was by trusting in the LORD. This is evident from the fact that he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and not evil like his forefathers did. His forefathers trusted in the idols of the land, but King Josiah trusted in God as his Rock and his Salvation which helped him stand strong. This was his response to the love that God so graciously lavished upon Him and the nation of Judah.
            We also, need to respond to God’s love by trusting Him. Trusting Him above and not equal to other people and we need to trust Him over all the idols in our life. This is very hard to do and it takes time. And this isn’t a half-hearted trust of sometimes trusting, but it is a life-long commitment trust in God as our Rock and salvation. We trust in the Lord always for He is our eternal Rock. As we place all of our trust in God and God alone; then we can stand strong on God our Rock as we kill everything else that is not worthy of any ounce of our trust.
            And the fifth way that King Josiah was able to kill sin was by reading and listening to the Word of God—the Bible. Josiah was not searching for the Book of the Law, but he was given it after it was found. Therefore, after hearing it read to him, he realized the sin of the nation by worshiping other gods and not the one true God. So the Book of the Law helped King Josiah recognize what sin was and what sin wasn’t. And after he recognized what sin was and what sin wasn’t; it allowed him to begin killing sin.
            Therefore the same is true of us. When we read God’s Word, which we have available in many languages and translations—even the original languages!—when we read God’s Word we can begin to recognize the sin in our lives that needs to be killed. God’s Word corrects the sin in our life so that we may kill it. God’s Word helps us stand strong by getting to know God as our Rock so that we may kill sin.
            And last, but not least, after recognizing the love that God has for him, after consulting his friends and his mother, after seeking the Lord, after trusting in God as the only God and after reading the Book of the Law, he obeyed the Book of the Law by taking action. He destroys and takes down many idols, high places, Asherah poles and places of sacrifice to other gods. And Josiah did two main things to the sin in the land: he desecrated it and defiled it. He desecrated these places by turning them from a sacred religious site to a god, into a place that was now in ruin. And he defiled them by making the once ‘pure’ and ‘holy’ sites of worship into places of dirtiness, impurities—making them unclean.
            By Josiah desecrating these places and defiling these places, he was killing the sin in the land of Judah. And so we must do the same:
  • We need to recognize the love that God has for us because He is our strength
  • We need family members and friends who can encourage us and build us up
  • We need to seek God through prayer so we don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything
  • We need to trust in god for He is our eternal Rock
  • We need to read the Bible because God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path
  • And finally, we need to obey the Word of God, but taking action in killing sin.

IV. Conclusion
King Josiah killed sin, but he couldn’t do this by himself. He needed help from God, who was his Rock in order for King Josiah to stand firm. All the things that we learned at VBS this week were evident in King Josiah’s endeavor to kill sin in order to not let sin kill him like it did to the kings who went before him.
  • On Wednesday we learned that God’s love helps us stand strong
  • On Thursday we learned that family and friends help us stand strong
  • On Friday we learned that prayer helps us stand strong
  • On Saturday we learned that trust God helps us stand strong
  • And this morning, we learned that the Bible helps us stand strong

All of these things that we learned this week in VBS will help us stand strong on God our Rock which will help us kill sin in our lives.
And John Owen’s quote that was shared earlier is just a small portion of a bigger quote, he says, “Do you mortify your sin? Do you make it your daily work? Be always at it while you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you….Indwelling sin always abides while we are in this world; therefore it is always to be mortified.”

All the sins that King Josiah killed in the land and in his life were done throughout his entire life. He rested in the fact that God was his Rock in whom he could run to in all circumstances of life—especially when he needed to kill sin. May we too, in our daily life, continually kill the sin which so easily entangles us by having God as our Rock and Redeemer.

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