June 29, 2013

Vacation Bible School: Kingdom Rock!

This week we had Vacation Bible School here at Bell One. They do their VBS in the evenings from 6:30 until 8:00 from Wednesday to Saturday and then end with a big celebration on Sunday morning. The theme this year was "Kingdom Rock" and we discussed different things that help us "stand strong".
Wednesday--God's love helps us stand strong
Thursday--Family and friends help us stand strong
Friday--Prayer helps us stand strong
Saturday--Trusting in God helps us stand strong
On Sunday morning I am preaching on 2 Kings 22-23:25, but only reading a portion of it. The title is "The Bible helps us stand strong". This was the last text assigned from VBS and the Bible point for that day also. Therefore that is the reason for the title and text.

The place was pretty decked out with ancient medieval stuff and castle-like stuff--pretty crazy how "all out" they went; but it was totally worth all the effort of set-up and take down and everything because it was awesome! I was surprised that they put that much effort into it, but I am telling you that it was totally worth it. The kids loved it; absolutely loved it.

I worked with the middle-school group and the youth director here. It was a lot different than doing ministry in Byron Center that I do at Heritage CRC. At Heritage, most students attend the Christian schools. These students here are lucky to even attend church each Sunday, maybe....maybe once a month. Definitely gives me a wake up call to not let me take the education I've been so graciously given and provided for to have. So amazing. There is a Christian school here that is pretty popular, but most of the kids here don't attend that school and this church. I should definitely write a blog about the demographics of the area. Okay, I will. But not now, I've got to go to bed.

Well, prayers would be greatly appreciated for tomorrow morning and evening. Tomorrow morning will be lots of fun and tomorrow evening will be as well. Morning service is 9:30 (12:30 MI time) about King Josiah. And evening will be Psalm 112.

God is good.

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